Neges o ddiolchgarwch a chyhoeddiad cyffroes! // A message of thanks + exciting announcement!21/2/2023 DIOLCH O GALON i bawb ddaeth allan nos Wener i'r cyngerdd cymorth ar gyfer Twrci a Syria, ac i'r berfformyr eraill: Gwilym Morus, Khrystyna Makar, Catrin O'Neill, Lo-fi Jones, Mach Dance Band a Raj'een. Codwyd dros £850 ar y noson, a mae na mwy yn dod i mewn o'r raffle a'r paypal. Bydd i gyd o'r arian yn mynd at yr Apêl DEC ac i Heyva Sor (Kurdish Red Moon).
****** MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who came out on Friday to our fundraiser and to the other wonderful performers, Gwilym Morus, Khrystyna Makar, Catrin O'Neill, Lo-fi Jones, the Mach Dance Band and Raj'een. Thanks to your generosity, we managed to raise over £850 for the DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal and Heyva Sor (Kurdish Red Moon), and there's still more coming in from the raffle and the paypal fundraiser (I would add the paypal link to this post but I don't have it to hand, sorry; but you can give directly to those charities or others helping in that area). (Clips/photos coming soon!) ***** Hefyd, mae gen fi a Siôn newyddion cyffroes iawn! Rydan ni wedi llwyddo i gael trwodd i'r rownd derfynol Cân i Gymru 2023 gyda'n cân neywdd, Y Wennol!! Mae'r cân yn son am ymfudwyr, natur a'r byd. Byddwn yn perfformio’r gân yn fyw am y tro cyntaf yng Nghanolfan y Celfyddydau Aberystwyth ar y 3ydd o Fawrth, ynghyd â 7 ymgais wych arall. Un o'r ymgaisiau yw fy ffrindiau Eve Goodman a Sara Zyborska sydd hefyd ar y label CEG Records gyda fi. Mae'r tocynau wedi mynd, ond fedrach chi gwilio ni ar s4c neu clic. Pleidleisiwch i ni os ydach chi'n hoffi'r cân! Bydd y cân yn cael ei ddarlledu am y tro cyntaf ar Radio Cymru ar y 1af o Mawrth. ***** Also Siôn and I have some exciting news! We have made it to the final of Wales's annual Welsh language song competition, Cân i Gymru with our brand new song, "Y Wennol" (the swallow). The song is about migration, and we wrote in December especially for the competion. We'll perform the song live for the first time in the Aberystwyth Arts Centre along with 7 other marvelous entries, including my friends and fellow CEG records artists, Eve Goodman and Sara Zyborska. Tickets have sold out, but you can watch it on S4C or on Clic. Please vote for us if our song is your favourite. The song will be broadcast for the first time on Radio Cymru on the 1st of March. Cân i Gymru 2023: Pwy sydd yn cystadlu eleni?
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Croeso i'r blog a wefan Worldwide Welshman! Diolch am ymweld a ni.
Scroll down the blog for musical adventures! You can also check out the menu on the top right to see links to my bandcamp, selected videos & music, art portfolio, bio and contact page. Its a bit chaotic, but its a work in progress. Enjoy! AuthorLiam Rickard is a musician & illustrator from North Wales performing multilingual, global-alt-pop, party music and comedy under the name Worldwide Welshman, and as one half of the Welsh folk-rock duo, Lo-Fi Jones. Archives
March 2024
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